Retribution is sweeter!

Retribution - Dana Delamar

WOW after reading book 1 of this series I wasn't sure how Dana would top it.... I am almost speachless after reading 'Retribution' book 2 in the "Blood & Honor" series, I do implore you to definitely read the prequel & book 1 before you read this. I have read book 1 but haven't read the prequel as yet, but it's there waiting for the first possible chance.

'Retribution' starts a week or so after 'Revenge' finishes & within the first chapter I was drawn inside the world that is 'Ndrangheta Mafiso, more particular the Andretti & Lucchesi fanctions. The details & descriptions throughout the book made it feel like I had a movie showing in my head, they were that thorough. I truly felt like I was inside the book.

The twists & turns in this book were as compelling as they were in book 1. After reading 'Retribution' I'm so glad I came across the Blood & Honor series, it's not only compelling, but magical with so much detail, love, honor, pain, passion...... the list goes on. Thank you Dana, bring on book 3 & the rest of the series.