I am hooked

The Bionics - Alicia Michaels

Having just finished reading book 1 of the "Bionics" series 'The Bionics' I am HOOKED!! It had been a while since I'd last read a dystopian/sci-fi book, but once I started I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat till the end. I was engrossed from the first sentence!

Set in the years after the necluer war in 4006, people turned to robotics or Bionics to help all the injured left. The Govenment in charge at first likes the idea, but soon they change there minds & start the hunt of all Bionic/humans.

I loved the plot of this story, half human/half robotic resistance coming together to help others like themselves to escape the tyranny of the Govenment, who made them how they are in the first place. The POV changes through out the book are marked clearly, which helps when you start reading a new POV, otherwise things would be confussing. We get POV's from Blythe, Dax & Gage.... I need more, I found the whole idea behind this book not only intriging but unique. Bring on book 2, reader for life!