Ahh sweet Redemption!!

Redemption - Dana Delamar

Dana has done another amazing job writing 'Redemption' book 3 of her "Blood & Honor" series, if you haven't read the first 2 books, I'd advise you to do so. I'm feeling emotionally wrecked after reading 'Redemption' I don't think I've cried so much in any other book.

'Redemption' starts about a week or 2 after 'Retribution' finished & again within the first chapter I was drawn into the book. We learn about Antonio & how he became an orphan, truly saddening... I wanted to jump into the book & take the young hurt boy into my arms. Don't even get me started on the uncle. Then a flame/blast from the past arrives in the form of Don Dominico's daughter, Bianca... who has secrets she has kept from Antonio for the past 6 years, it just goes to show how much power the 'Ndrangheta Mafiso has.

Shit really hits the fan in this book, but Dana weaved a trully heart wrenching story for us, it had me cying nearly all throughout the book. There were plenty of twists & turns again throughout the book that kept me glued to the page & the edge of my seat. I CAN NOT wait for the next book of the series to be released, as I NEED to know what's going to happen next. Hopefully before then I can read the prequel as well. Bring on book 4 Dana, I await it with antici.....................................................................................................pation!