Take a ride on an emotional rollercoaster

Unshine the Sun - M Jet

What an emotional read this was, I couldn't put it down until the end. When I was about 26% through the book I was wondering what was going to happen next... I finally finished reading this masterpiece at around 2am, finally going to sleep, I feel like I dreamt the whole book again. Can anyone say BOOK HANGOVER??

I found Raynar & Rosanna's relationship so electric, they were so in love & supportive of one another, Rosanna of his music & Raynar of your writing. I absolutely loved their wedding vows... then they decide to have a baby & Rosanna's health goes into a sprial (I'm really wondering why she never tells Raynar the extent of her illness). It's during Rosanna's efforts to publish her work that she meets fellow author Jemma that their views on love start to stretch.

Please do read this with an open mind, I did & was thankful for it. The love Raynar & Rosanna share is beautiful & then when Jemma arrives it thrives & becomes more intense. When tragedy strikes I really think that Rosanna knew what would eventually happen, again you would think the people she loved whould have known the extent of her illness. Rosanna making sure the people she loved, her husband, lover & children had the support they needed.

I was an emotional mess, ugly cry, happy cry, you name it... it was me. I felt the ending was perfect. Thank you M Jet for such a beautifully writen heartfelt story.